Our terms of business

Updated: 15/08/2024

We love clarity. It’s the reason we do things differently. By basing your premium on the miles you drive, we make sure you can see exactly what you’re getting for your money. So in keeping with this spirit of openness, we’ve laid out our terms of business below. These terms give you a detailed run-down of the services we provide and how we provide them.

§1 Why read this?

You should read this document carefully because it sets out the legal contract between you and us, and our responsibilities towards each other. You should also read our Privacy and Cookie notices which explain how By Miles looks after your data and how we treat cookies. For details about your insurance policy you should refer to your separate policy documentation.

§2 Who are ‘we’?

In this document the words “we”, “us”, “our” and “By Miles” all refer to By Miles Ltd. We are a company registered in England and Wales under company number 09498559 and our registered office is at Churchill Court, Westmoreland Road, Bromley BR1 1DP. We are part of the Direct Line Group of companies. “You” refers to the individual asking us to work on your behalf under these terms of business.

§3 Who regulates us?

By Miles Ltd is an insurance intermediary, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA permits us to carry out the following activities: introducing, advising, arranging, dealing as agent in relation to, and assisting in the administration, of non-investment insurance contracts.

If you want to find out more about the FCA and their work, you can call them on 0800 111 6768. If you want to see the Financial Services Register for yourself, just visit https://register.fca.org.uk. You’ll find us in the register under number 773046.

As you’d expect, everything we do, including these Terms of Business, is also subject to English Law and the jurisdiction of the English Courts.

§4 Contact details

You can contact us:

by post: By Miles Customer Relations, Churchill Court, Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1DP
by email:
by telephone: 0330 088 3838

As we try to be as paperless as possible, we will communicate with you using the email address you give us in your application form, so it’s important that you keep this accurate and up-to-date. If you wish to change the email address that we use to communicate with you, please contact us.

If you’d like to receive any of the information we provide to you on paper, please let us know.

§5 Our service

We want to provide cover that suits your needs as closely as possible. We’ll ask questions about you and the insurance you are looking for. We will provide you with information about a range of products, from a limited range of insurers, based on the answers you give. It’s down to you to decide which product works best for you, as we do not offer advice or make personal recommendations.

First and foremost, we work for our customers. In some circumstances, where it does not conflict with your best interests and is fair to you, we may work for your insurer (for example, collecting and handing over premiums to insurers and making claim payments to customers). By Miles does not hold direct or indirect voting rights or capital in any other insurance business (nor are we part or wholly owned by any other insurance business).

We set high standards for ourselves, so naturally we’re only interested in working with companies that do the same. As a result, we regularly check up on the financial strength of our partners using ratings from independent agencies such as Standard & Poor's and A M Best. This helps us to ensure that all of our business partners live up to the high standards we set for ourselves. However, while we only ever work with regulated insurance companies, we cannot guarantee an insurer’s ability to pay claims.

§6 Arranging your cover

Car insurance

During the application process we ask questions about the kind of cover you’re looking for and we put together a quote based on what you have told us you need. It’s important that you give us information truthfully and accurately to allow us to do this, or your policy might not be valid. As noted above, quotes we put together are intended to help you narrow down your options but it is always up to you whether you go ahead with a particular quote.

Breakdown cover

During your quotation process we pass information about your needs to third parties who may then quote for breakdown cover. You are free to use any breakdown service you wish, but if you do decide to accept breakdown cover offered, it will be a separate insurance product from your By Miles insurance. Breakdown policies may vary in exactly what they cover (certain kinds of vehicles or usage might be excluded) but generally they offer protection against the cost of an unexpected breakdown. Note that not all breakdown cover is written as an insurance contract or a regulated insurance contract.

Legal Expenses cover

By Miles policies offer some cover for legal expenses as standard. This cover is provided by your insurer and applies to accidents in your car, for which you were at fault, that cause property damage, injury, or death to someone else. You can also add optional legal expense cover as an extra, which is supplied by another insurance provider. For more information on the cover offered, you will need to read the policy documents we provide once we’ve quoted you, or once you’ve purchased.

§7 The insurers we partner with

When you come to By Miles, we offer you a wide range of cover options, but we can’t do it alone. We’ve partnered with some great insurers and underwriters to make it all happen.

When you purchase a policy with us, your policy will be underwritten by the insurer on our panel that best fits your requirements. Your insurer will be Covea Insurance plc, Mulsanne Insurance Company Limited, UK Insurance Limited. If you choose to add breakdown cover to your policy, RAC Motoring Services and RAC Insurance Limited will provide that service. If you choose to add legal expense cover to your policy, Partner Assistance SA and Arc Legal Assistance Ltd will provide that cover.

§8 Money

We receive commission from insurers when we arrange your cover, which is included in the premium. In addition, we charge you a small amount that covers the associated benefits such as the mobile app, web dashboard and their features, the Miles Tracker’s mobile data and any changes to your policy that we make. Your quote will include details of our fees and the total premium you will pay.

We take payment from you monthly, so it’s important you keep your card details up-to-date with us to avoid a payment failing.

We act as an agent of your insurer in collecting premiums and handling refunds. We never hold your money, we always hold it on your insurer’s behalf.

If you don’t pay any money you owe as part of your insurance, we may use a debt collection agency. If that happens you’ll have to pay an extra fee to cover the cost. We prefer to avoid situations like this (and we’re sure you do too), so it’s very important you make sure you have enough money set aside to cover the cost of your insurance, and that your payment details are always up-to-date.

Paid in full when you purchased your policy? Your terms are slightly different. Read them here.

§9 The Miles Tracker

As part of our service we may provide to you the Miles Tracker telematics device which you can use in accordance with these terms of business.

During your insurance, the Miles Tracker will remain our property and you must keep it safe and you must not try to modify, tamper with it, attempt to access the software on it, or hire, lend, sell or give it to any other person. If you do so, we may cancel your insurance. Remember that your policy excess will increase if you have an incident while the Miles Tracker is not plugged in (as set out in your schedule).

If you experience any issues with a Miles Tracker, please let us know as soon as possible. Please note that unless we have been notified of an issue, and have had a chance to investigate it, we will not be responsible or liable in any way for any defects in a Miles Tracker or any issues you experience, which may be caused by the use of (or inability to use) a Miles Tracker.

We do not make any representation or warranty about a Miles Tracker’s description, condition, performance, quality or suitability for any purpose. To the full extent allowed by law, all such representations and warranties are excluded. That said, nothing in these terms of business excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be lawfully excluded or limited.

By Miles is responsible for the functionality, performance and technical support of the Miles Tracker. You are responsible for the safe and careful installation and removal of the Miles Tracker. Your insurer is not responsible for any aspects of the Miles Tracker.

When your insurance policy ends, you must return the Miles Tracker to us in good working order within 21 days. If you don’t, we’ll charge you the Miles Tracker fee that’s on your Policy Schedule.

We’ll provide you with a prepaid postage envelope for the Miles Tracker, so it won’t cost you a penny to return.

We may collect data about your driving after your policy ends if you keep the Miles Tracker plugged in, or your Connected Car connection live. If you sell your car, it's your responsibility to remove the Miles Tracker before the buyer takes the car, and to notify them if you forget.

§10 Making changes to your policy

If you want to make a change to your policy, just log into the By Miles app or web dashboard and let us know. Your fixed cost will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis and your per-mile rate may also change. If your fixed cost goes up, you will be charged the difference. If it goes down, you will get a refund. Either way, this will happen at the time of the change.

Once the changes have been made, a new Certificate and Schedule will be available in your account on the web dashboard and in the By Miles app.

We won’t charge you any extra fees for the first three changes you make to your policy, just so long as they’re completed using the app or web dashboard. For any additional changes after that, we’ll charge the amount shown in your Policy Schedule.

If you’d like to contact our team and have them make the changes for you, that’s fine too - but we may charge you the amount shown in your Policy Schedule.

Paid in full when you purchased your policy? Your terms are slightly different. Read them here.

§11 Cancellation

If you no longer want to be a customer, we’ll be sad to see you go, but will always try to make leaving as simple as possible.

Whatever time you cancel your policy, we will refund our fees pro-rata for the time that you’ve had insurance.

Your Policy Handbook and Policy Schedule set out how you’ll be refunded when your policy is cancelled, and what fees you’ll need to pay. We’ll refund you within 21 days using the same means of payment you used for the initial transaction.

Though we’re not keen on doing it, we do reserve the right to cancel your policy ourselves. In addition to the reasons given in your Policy Handbook, for Connected Car policies we might do this if we are unable to communicate reliably with your car (for example, if your car manufacturer revokes access to the vehicle data); and for Miles Tracker policies we might do this if the Miles Tracker is not compatible with your car or does not work reliably in your car. We may also cancel your policy if you breach any part of these terms of business.

We like to think it’ll never happen, but in the event that By Miles ceases trading or becomes insolvent (basically, if we were to go bust), we may need to cancel your policy. You’d receive a pro-rata refund of your fixed premium, and the cancellation fee would be waived.

If you are a business, we may also terminate your contract for services with us immediately if you are subject to an “insolvency event”. This means an event where you are unable to pay your debts (within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986) or become insolvent. It also applies if an order is made or a resolution passed for your administration, winding-up or dissolution (if this happens for any reason other than for the purposes of a solvent amalgamation or reconstruction) or an administrative or other receiver, manager, liquidator, administrator, trustee or similar officer is appointed over all or any substantial part of your assets. It will also apply to you if you enter into or propose any composition or arrangement with your creditors generally. This will also be applicable if any similar or comparable event to any of the above scenarios we’ve described occurs in any applicable jurisdiction.

Whatever the reason, we will give at least seven days’ notice before ending the policy. Unless we agree with you otherwise, your right to use the Miles Tracker will cease at the end of this period and must be returned to us. We may collect data about your driving after your policy ends if you keep the Miles Tracker plugged in, or if your Connected Car connection is live. If you sell your car, it is your responsibility to remove the Miles Tracker before the buyer takes ownership of your car, and to notify them if you forget.

§11.1 Auto-renewal

Unless you cancel it, your policy will automatically renew after a year. When this happens, you’ll gain 12 more months of cover. You can turn auto-renewal off yourself, at any time, in the app or web dashboard or you ask us to turn it off for you via email, live chat or by phone. If you do get in touch to ask us to turn it off for you, it must be before your policy renewal date.

Though we’ll always do our best to reward loyal customers with competitive pricing at renewal, it is possible that your fixed premiums and per-mile rate may change - and they could go up or down. We’ll always remind you about your renewal (and the cost of your next year’s insurance) in advance by emailing you 30 days before the renewal date. If you decide you would rather cancel than renew, that’s fine - you just need to tell us before the renewal date. You can do this by emailing us, telling us over the phone, or via live chat in the By Miles app or web dashboard.

If auto-renewal is turned off, once your policy ends, you’ll no longer be covered by us. To avoid being left uninsured, you’ll need to arrange cover elsewhere.

§12 No Claims Discount (NCD)

You’ll need to pay your last monthly instalment and any money owed to us before we can release your proof of NCD.

§12.1 Introductory No Claims Discount

We believe you should be given credit for a good level of driving experience, even if you weren’t the main driver on a policy. It’s only fair. That’s why we may offer you an introductory No Claims Discount if you have enough claim-free driving experience.

If you’ve been given an introductory No Claims Discount, we’ll be able to provide proof of your No Claims Discount once you reach your first annual renewal date with us. This includes the introductory No Claims Discount we gave you when you bought your policy and any additional No Claims Discount you’ve earned over the year. If you’ve benefited from an Introductory No Claims Discount and leave us within the first year (before the end date of your annual policy) you won’t accrue any No Claims Discount.

§13 Your responsibilities

To provide you with the right cover, we need the right information. You must make sure that all the details you’ve provided us with are correct – and let us know if they change. If you don’t, you could invalidate your cover. This also applies if you’ve agreed to any assumptions during the process of getting an insurance quote and purchasing it from us.

It’s also important you understand the limits, exclusions and other terms that apply to your policy – so please read all the documents we give you. If you don’t, you run the risk of unknowingly doing something that voids your policy. If that happens, your insurer may not pay your claim.

If we send you a Miles Tracker, it’s your responsibility to ensure it fits safely and snugly into your OBD-II socket and is installed in the right car. You can contact us if you need help with this.

If we’re getting data from your Connected Car, it’s your responsibility to activate the connection and ensure it is maintained.

§14 Our responsibilities

You have certain rights under consumer protection laws. For example, under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 we must provide services to you with reasonable care and skill, and under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 you have certain cancellation rights which you can exercise within (usually) 14 days of the start of a contract. We must provide you with services that comply with your legal rights.

That said, certain matters that may affect our services are out of our control. For example, your use of the Miles Tracker depends on the reliability of telecommunications networks (including the Internet) and we cannot guarantee that a connection will always be available. Also, we supply our services to many people so we aren’t able to tailor them to meet every individual customer’s needs, or test them in every operating environment, so certain features may not exactly match your requirements or operate 100% effectively at all times. Although we of course do our best to provide a consistent and effective service, we are not able to guarantee that our services will be 100% available and error free. As a result, it is important for you to check that our services are suitable to meet your needs.

§15 Confidentiality and data protection

We care a lot about keeping your data secure and confidential. We’ve created a separate Privacy notice that outlines this in more detail – please give it a read.

§16 Credit checks

To arrange your insurance, we or our partners may need to perform a credit search on you and any additional drivers in order to check your identity and assess your credit score. This will usually include a ‘soft’ check, which doesn’t affect your credit rating and can’t be seen by lenders.

If you have any questions about this, please .

§17 Claims

Claiming isn’t complicated, but it’s a good idea to read your policy documents and make sure you know what’s involved. For example, certain kinds of claims may require a crime reference number. And in most cases, you’ll need to inform us of an accident as soon as possible.

§18 Conflicts of interest

If for any reason our work for you causes a conflict of interest with another party we’re associated with, we’ll write to let you know. We’ll explain the nature of the conflict, set out a plan to ensure it doesn’t affect our work, and won’t proceed unless you’re happy.

§19 Treating you fairly

We designed By Miles to provide a fairer deal for lower mileage drivers. So fairness is a pretty big deal for us. If you don’t feel fairly treated, we’re not doing our job properly. If you feel your needs aren’t being met, or if you’ve got some ideas on how we could do better, please let us know.

§20 Free miles credit

During your policy you may collect credit for free miles. When this happens, we’ll give you miles for free. On us. And they’ll cost you zilch, zip, nada, nothing. You get the point.

Free miles credit will reduce the number of miles of driving insurance you’ll need to pay for, from the month that you earn the credit until your policy ends or is cancelled. If a policy is renewed, any unused free miles credit on that account just rolls over in to the next year.

You can earn free miles credit in two ways, by taking advantage of special offers or by referring a friend to By Miles. Our special offers are a bit like gold dust, so referring a friend is usually your best bet.

Bear in mind that it is only you who’ll be getting the credit - not your friend. It didn’t always work like this, but we’ve changed the policy due to regulations introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in January 2022 concerning incentives for new customers. There’s nothing to stop you personally rewarding your pals though, so feel free to treat them to a coffee next time you see them.

You cannot transfer, trade or sell free miles credit and you can’t exchange it for cash. If you cancel or don’t renew your policy, your free miles credit will be cancelled. Should we cease trading for any reason, all free miles credit will be cancelled.

§20.1 Referring a friend

An existing By Miles policyholder (the ‘referrer’ or ‘you’) can give their referral link or code to a friend (we’ll call them the ‘new recruit’). The new recruit can then use this link or code to purchase a new policy with us. When a referral link or code is used, free miles credit will be added to the referrer’s account within 21 days of the start of the policy, subject to these conditions. As explained in the section above, FCA regulations mean that we can only offer free miles credit to the existing member - not the new recruit. Hopefully, joining By Miles is reward enough!

By sharing or using a referral link or code, both the referrer and new recruit agree that their first name and their car’s registration number will be shared.

The amount of free miles credit available to the referrer for referring a friend is shown at the time of purchase and can change at any time.

A new recruit will only result in credit to the referrer if they haven’t previously been a By Miles customer.

Before purchasing a policy, the new recruit must read and agree to our terms of business and policy documents, and must make sure they understand our cancellation fees. If the new recruit cancels their policy within 3 months of the policy start date, the associated free miles credit on the referrer’s account will be forfeited.

You can’t benefit from referring a friend after their new policy has been bought, so they must use your link at the time of purchase. We can’t be held responsible if no free miles credit is given to the referrer because of an incorrectly copied referral link.

You can’t get free miles credit from a referral in conjunction with any other offer, and you can only refer up to a maximum of 10 people. Unfortunately, you can’t refer yourself or your spouse when purchasing a policy for another car.

Referral links and codes should be distributed in a personal manner. You must not use referral links and codes for commercial purposes. Paid advertising of referral links or codes, bulk email distribution, unsolicited communications and distribution to strangers aren’t allowed. When referring a friend, you must make it clear that you’re making a personal recommendation, and that you don’t represent By Miles or any By Miles employee.

Referral links must not be posted or shared on review platforms (for example, Trustpilot or Google) or on By Miles social media pages.

Free miles credit won’t be awarded if you or anyone you refer to By Miles gets a quote or purchases a policy after using a comparison website.

We reserve the right to remove your free miles at any time, for example, if you abuse the rules above.

§20.2 Special offers

We think our pricing is pretty special as it is, so we don’t tend to run offers. That said, specific partners may occasionally run limited-time promotions for By Miles policies. In these cases, a valid promotional link must be clicked before getting your quote and purchasing a policy. When a promotional link is used, free miles credit will be added to your account within 21 days of the policy start date. You can only use one promotional offer when you buy a policy, and you can’t use one at the same time as using a referral link.

We can’t add a special offer to your account after you’ve bought the policy, so it must be added at the time of purchase. All special offers expire, so make sure you use them in good time once you’ve got hold of one.

§21 Compensation

We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). In the unlikely event that we aren’t able to fulfil our obligations to you, they may be able to provide compensation. Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from www.fscs.org.uk.

§22 If you have a complaint

We’ll always aim to resolve it as quickly as possible. With that in mind, the fastest way to reach us is by emailing .

If you prefer post, the address to use is: By Miles Customer Relations, Churchill Court, Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1DP.

We are subject to time limits for dealing with a complaint and upon receiving the initial complaint, we must either:

  • Promptly acknowledge the complaint within 5 working days of receipt, and;
  • Resolve it within 3 working days, or;
  • Resolve it within 8 weeks, or if it can’t be resolved within 8 weeks;
    • Provide a further response with contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

If you are not satisfied with the way we deal with your complaint, at any stage, contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) could be a good next step. You can find out more about the FOS and the situations in which they can help you at

Email address: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

Postal address: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange, London, E14 9SR.

§23 Some final points

If any part (‘provision’) of these terms of business is found to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be considered separated from the rest of these terms (‘deemed severed’) and the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these terms of business will not be affected.

We reserve the right to change or amend these terms of business at any time by publishing the modified terms of business on this website. Any changes will take effect immediately from the date they’re published on the website.

If you break the conditions of these terms of business and we don’t take action against you straight away, we’re still entitled to enforce our rights, whether that’s in relation to that breach or any subsequent breach.

You should make sure you’ve read this documentation and information carefully before you apply for an online quotation or online cover, and make sure that you understand it.

Unless expressly agreed in writing by us, no one other than a party to these terms of business (that means nobody other than us or you) has any right to enforce any of these terms of business.

Any of these terms of business which state they’ll continue after the end of your policy or our contract with you, or are intended to do so, will do so.

Terms of Business addendum for policyholders that choose to ‘pay in full’.

February 2022

8a) Money (addended terms)

We receive commission from insurers when we arrange your cover, which is included in the premium. In addition, we also charge you a small amount that covers the associated benefits like the mobile app, the web dashboard and their features, the Miles Tracker’s mobile data and any changes to your policy that we make. Your quote will include details of our fees and the total premium you’ll pay.

8.1a Payments

We’ll take an upfront payment from you, based on your estimated yearly mileage. This includes the fixed cost that covers your car while it’s parked.

If you drive more than the mileage you originally estimated before the end of the year, you’ll need to pay for those extra miles. You can either contact us to top up your prepaid miles or, if you don’t fancy that, you can keep driving and we’ll send you monthly statements. Either way, the miles are charged at your per-mile rate. The payment card you have on file will be used to make this payment, so it’s important to keep these details up to date.

8.2a Reaching the end of your policy year

When your policy ends, we’ll refund any miles you’ve paid for but not used. This refund will be calculated using your per-mile rate at the time the policy ends. If you’re using a Miles Tracker, you’ll need to return it to us before we can send your refund, according to the terms of conditions of closing your policy.

8.3a Further conditions

We act as an agent of your insurer in collecting premiums and handling refunds. We never hold your money, we always hold it on your insurer’s behalf.

If you don’t pay any money you owe as part of your insurance, we may use a debt collection agency. If that happens you’ll have to pay an extra fee to cover the cost. We prefer to avoid situations like this (and we’re sure you do too), so it’s very important you make sure you have enough money set aside to cover the cost of your insurance, and that your payment details are always up-to-date.

10b) Making changes to your policy (addended terms)

If you want to make a change to your policy, just log into the By Miles app or web dashboard and let us know. Your fixed cost will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis and your per-mile rate may also change. If your fixed cost goes up, you will be charged the difference. If it goes down, you will get a refund. Either way, this will happen at the time of the change.

If your per-mile rate also changes, this will change how many prepaid miles you have left. If your per-mile rate goes down, you will have more prepaid miles. If it goes up, you’ll have fewer. This means the cash value of your prepaid miles will be exactly the same as it was before the change to your per-mile rate.

Once the changes have been made, a new Certificate and Schedule will be available on our web dashboard and in the By Miles app.

We won’t charge you any extra fees for the first three changes you make to your policy, just so long as they’re completed using the app or web dashboard. For any additional changes after that, we’ll charge you the amount shown in your Policy Schedule.

If you’d like to contact our team and have them make the changes for you, that’s fine too - but we may charge you the amount shown in your Policy Schedule.

11a) Cancellation

If you no longer want to be a customer, we’ll be sad to see you go, but we’ll always try to make leaving as simple as possible.

Whatever time you cancel your policy, we’ll refund any unused miles you’ve already paid for, along with a pro-rated fixed cost, minus any extra costs.

Your cancellation fee covers the administration cost of cancelling the policy. This fee will be subtracted from any refund you’re owed.

Your Policy Handbook and Policy Schedule set out how you’ll be refunded when your policy is cancelled, and what fees you’ll need to pay. We’ll refund you within 21 days using the same means of payment you used for the initial transaction.

Though we’re not keen on doing it, we do reserve the right to cancel your policy ourselves. In addition to the reasons given in your Policy Handbook, for Connected Car policies we might do this if we are unable to communicate reliably with your car (for example, if your car manufacturer revokes access to the vehicle data); and for Miles Tracker policies we might do this if the Miles Tracker is not compatible with your car or does not work reliably in your car. We may also cancel your policy if you breach any part of the terms of business, including this addendum.

We like to think it’ll never happen, but in the event that By Miles ceases trading or becomes insolvent (basically, if we were to go bust), we may need to cancel your policy. You’d receive a pro-rata refund of your upfront fixed cost and any unused miles you’d paid for. The cancellation fee would also be waived.

If you are a business, we may also terminate your contract for services with us immediately if you are subject to an “insolvency event”. This means an event where you are unable to pay your debts (within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986) or become insolvent. It also applies if an order is made or a resolution passed for your administration, winding-up or dissolution (if this happens for any reason other than for the purposes of a solvent amalgamation or reconstruction) or an administrative or other receiver, manager, liquidator, administrator, trustee or similar officer is appointed over all or any substantial part of your assets. It will also apply to you if you enter into or propose any composition or arrangement with your creditors generally. This will also be applicable if any similar or comparable event to any of the above scenarios we’ve described occurs in any applicable jurisdiction.

Unless we agree with you otherwise, your right to use the Miles Tracker will cease at the end of this period and must be returned to us. We may collect data about your driving after your policy ends if you keep the Miles Tracker plugged in, or if your Connected Car connection is live. If you sell your car, it is your responsibility to remove the Miles Tracker before the buyer takes ownership of your car, and to notify them if you forget.
