
Driving less to save cash? You could win £20 free miles credit.

Will Kerr's profile picture
Will Kerr

As inflation rises, we know that 80% of people are actively trying to reduce the cost of their driving. One of the most common saving tactics is simply driving less…

And that’s something our pay-by-mile car insurance automatically rewards. With us, when you leave the car parked, you’re saving on cover as well as fuel. 

Of course, some people might be happy to cut out car journeys they didn’t really need to make. But for others, driving less might have been a necessity. That’s why we wanted to do a little extra for our members who’ve gone furthest (or not, as the case maybe) to make a saving. 

Win £20 free miles credit.

When you’re a lower mileage driver, £20 free miles credit goes a long way. So we’re awarding exactly that to 10 members who’ve reduced their mileage each month over this past September, October and November (in other words, the people really going out of their way to spend less). 

 For your chance to win simply:

  • Film a short clip explaining how By Miles has helped you save. (This doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Filming it on your phone as you walk to the shops is totally fine. You could film in your car too – just definitely not while driving.).
  • Just tell us how By Miles has helped you save, and roughly how much. You could mention the money you’ve saved by switching to us, money you’ve saved by driving less, or by using features like Find My Car, Car Medic, and our capped daily charges. 
  • There’s no need for a big performance. Just be yourself. That said, avoid including any personal information that might identify you (like your full name, or address).
  • Watch your video back to make sure your face is in frame and that you can be heard. (If you can’t, your finger might have been covering the microphone). 
  • Post the clip to Instagram. Be sure to tag us (@GoByMiles) and use the hashtag #PayingLessByMiles.
instagram post
Don’t twiddle your thumbs. Get them tapping instead. It could make your driving £20 cheaper.

At the end of January 2023 we’ll pick ten respondents to receive their miles credit.

What is free miles credit anyway?

When you have free miles credit on your account, the cost of miles that you’d usually be charged for come out of your free miles credit instead. Simple.

Terms and conditions.

So just to recap: 

  • Only members whose recorded mileage went down each month across September 2022, October 2022 and November 2022 are eligible to claim the £20 free miles credit. (We’re trying to reward people who most need the saving.) 
  • If you’re friends with or a family member of a By Miles employee, you can’t enter. We don’t want to play favourites!
  • To receive the free miles credit, you’ll need to post a video following the steps above. 
  • The 10 winners will be chosen at By Miles’ discretion.
  • By participating in this promotion, you give us permission to reuse your video on our own social channels and in other marketing materials. 
  • Winners will be informed on 1st of February 2023. 
  • Free miles credit isn’t transferable or refundable.
  • If we contact you to say that you’ve won, we need you to respond (with your policy reference) within a week so that we can add your free miles credit to the account.